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#WCW: Our Gigi

To those who don’t know her, she’s Gail: a book-loving, Netflix-binging world traveler who bops around Northern Atlanta in her sensible yet bedazzled strappy sandals. To us, she’s Gigi: our grandmother, family matriarch, and beacon of strength and grace. Growing up we knew that Gigi was cool. She’d check us out of elementary school when we were “sick” (while secretly hiding Kit Kats in her car for us to snack on) and invoke “Gigi Powers” whenever we got into trouble with our parents (which saved many of us grandkids from being punished). She taught me manners via a made-up little girl named Clara, who would frequently steal sprinkle cookies and mouth off to grocery-store attendants. She was right down the street when we needed her and always picked up her phone. I always knew Gigi was special, but I didn’t realize how special she truly was until I became an adult. Stories of bad girl Clara turned to stories of how she met out Grandad, Norm, the love of her life, and how she raised three kids, all born before she turned 25.


Tragedy struck our family when Grandad passed on January 28, 2015. It was the day after my birthday. Everyone was devastated. In the years leading to his death, Gigi went through a rebirth. At first, it was from wife to caretaker. Then it was from caretaker to end-of-life planner. Then when he finally let go, she learned how to become even more independent and strong. Realizing a new identity was hard for her, but she continues to envelope herself with plans of traveling the world (a hobby she shared with Grandad and also us grandkids), figuring out technology, and a good old fashion rolling up of her sleeves to get stuff done. Her newfound independence has been really great to watch. Even though she doesn’t realize it (and the days I’m sure are long and difficult), she has been able to pick up the broken pieces to shape a new normal that gives her the right to be awarded all the #womencrushwednesdays in the world.


Gigi’s 77th birthday was August 13 and we got to spend it with her. I recognize that birthdays shouldn’t be the only time we tell people we love them or how proud we are of them, but Gigi – you are one special lady. We love you to the moon and back and love the woman you are still becoming.

Happy Birthday, Gigi. xx, Courtney