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#WCW: Ellen DeGeneres

It was 1997. My mom sat me and my sister in front of the television to watch our normal primetime sitcoms. One particular night we noticed mom extra glued to the TV. The Puppy Episode” was on. Neither my sister nor I fully understood what the word “lesbian” actually meant when we were five and two, but mom quickly told us that it was nothing other than normal. “Some people just love in a different way” she told us “and we love them back for who they are and the good that’s inside them.” We quickly moved onto to dancing on the coffee table to the Little Mermaid soundtrack, soon forgetting what that night truly meant for both Ellen and a community too used to fear and discrimination.

Flash forward to 2009. As an angsty teenager I know I drove my family crazy. I was a constant pain with the worst attitude and chip on my shoulder. One thing would always bring us together to laugh, cry and dance as if we forgot the slammed doors and nasty teen comments: Ellen. Ellen has been a pillar of kindness, compassion and respect in my life. Among the many things she has taught me her mantra of kindness is one that I will hold near and dear to my heart. A special little sparkle - just like that night when I was five in 1997.

I decided to choose Ellen for this week’s #wcw not because of her impact on my life, but rather because of her impact on pop culture. Ellen is a well-respected representative for those marginalized for their identities and sexual orientations. Who she is showcases that neither can or should hinder a person from achieving success and doing good in the world. As June is National Pride Month, I hope to showcase more women who are trailblazers, activists and humanitarians within the LGBTQ+ community just like Ellen. xx, Courtney

Photo Courtesy of: Variety

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