New Year, No Limits: A Self-Love #WCW

A new decade has arrived! As I sit here back in Chicago watching the weather turn from heavy snow to sunshine, I am reminded that I have made it through a full decade of life. I cannot believe how far I have come in the past ten years. When I started the last decade I was about to graduate from high school and was a nightmare of a teenager. Now as I end the two thousand teens and into a modern “I am female, hear me roar”-ing 20’s I feel a lot more established and comfortable with who I am as a woman and global citizen.

Therefore to kick off this DECADE I’m DEDICATING the first #WCW of 2020 to me - and to you, too!! We’ve made it around the sun and are starting a new chapter together. How exciting! We have done so much leading up to this point, let’s celebrate! So pour that extra bubbly, eat that extra cookie, and pat yourself on the back. Celebrate your victories and failure from the past 10 years and embrace the new opportunities and obstacles the next 10 have to offer.

Here’s to me, you, and all those that we love.


Happy New Year!

xx, CB