#WCW: Lena Waithe

“Bold” and “beautiful” - two words used frequently to describe females in today’s entertainment industry. “Courageous” has also been mentioned recently in the limelight though through a different lens. All three, however, encompass today’s #womancrushwednesday, Lena Waithe. An award-winning screenwriter, actress and all-out badass, Lena first appeared on my radar for her role on Master of None as the quirky best-friend of Aziz' Ansari’s character, Dev. Through Master of None, Lena was given the creative freedom to showcase a story of pain, misunderstanding, sexuality and family dynamic awkwardness in a way that captivated audiences to understand and sympathize with her own journey as both a person of color and lesbian in modern American society. If you haven’t seen it - stop reading this and go watch it. Trust me, it’s worth your time. Lena’s ability to weave a story that transcends politics and societal stigma was so genius and endearing that it left me speechless.


I have never known the struggles of a black woman in America, nor will I ever know them. I have never known the struggles of an LGBTQ+ minority in America, nor will I ever know them. Where I once yearned to try to understand and apply them in my own life, Lena’s storytelling has demonstrated that it’s okay not knowing. Listening can be important too. I’m grateful that Lena was given the opportunity to tell her story and to be recognized for it on a respected stage. Therefore today’s #WCW goes to a true American storyteller, who demonstrates beauty in difference, boldness in character and courage in raw honesty.


A continued Happy Pride Month to my LGBTQ+ brothers, sisters, and non-binary friends. Let me know who you think should be featured as our next #WCW!