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#WCW: The Robyn to My Duncan

So now that we know more about the “duncan” of duncan&robyn, I felt that it would be fitting to introduce the “robyn” of the duo. Stephanie was born just short of a full three years after me, but you had better believe that big sis here counted every second of that age gap! On weekends we would ride bikes in our neighborhood cul-de-sac, jump off Gramps and Nona’s dock on Thompson Lake in Maine and rack up frequent flyer miles traveling across the country to visit family. As the older sister, I frequently felt like I needed to always make sure that Steph was happy and safe. I would keep an eye out for her as she’d peddle ferociously past me on her bike. I’d alway pop my head up first on the lake to make sure I’d see her’s bobbing up and down as well (we’d both laugh at who had managed to get as far away from “The Stump” as possible). I’d also help her wipe her tears as those airplane doors would close. Steph never liked to have to say goodbye to family when we would travel by ourselves.

Only recently did I find the tables turning. Robyn had become Duncan’s protector. I would call in tears over a boyfriend, looking for her words of comfort and wisdom. I would marvel at how she could walk into a party on her college campus and instantly connect with both friends and strangers. To this day, I consider her as a shining example of how to use patience, dedication and hard work to achieve a dream. Stephanie, Robyn, Birdy - you are my role model. You are my first #wcw even before I knew that was a thing. Not because you are family, but because ever since you were born I’ve been obsessed with who you are and what you have taught me.

So cheers to those of us who are lucky enough to have biological sisters and those of us who have women in our lives who should have been born our biological sisters! May all of them be the robyn to your duncan.

xx, Courtney

Rapid-Fire Q&A

Stephanie “Birdy” Strickland (duncan&robyn’s robyn)

Early Bird or Night Owl?

Night Owl

Coffee or Tea?


Mountains or Beach?


Text or Call?


Summer or Winter?


Big Party or Small Gathering ?

Big Party

Sweet or Salty?


Books or Movies?


Shower or Bath?


Online Shopping or In-Person Shopping?


Fill in the blank: __________ makes everything taste better.


Describe yourself in three words:


