#WCW: HRH The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle


Anyone who knows me knows that I am obsessed with Meghan Markle. I will admit, though, that I was not an avid Suits fan or know much about her pre-royalty. Not only is she beautiful, hard-working, and driven (standards alone for many of us), but she is also intelligent, kind, and compassionate. HRH has weathered immeasurable storms as a new royal, only to come through those rough waters not only looking better but redirecting that energy to be one of positive impact in our global society. Pre-royal days, her work with World Vision and speaking out on the importance of girls’ education turned her from actress to activist. Now, she has taken that foundation she built and catapulted it to encompass so many other worthy causes. One in particular really has hit home with me and that is her recent patronage with Smart Works Charity, a London-based women’s career center focused on helping women advance in their careers by giving them the tools and resources to not only get jobs, get suited for those jobs, but also maintain those jobs once they have been hired. Sound familiar? I hope you’d notice. When I first thought of duncan&robyn as a concept I was working at Dress for Success as one of their many volunteers. As a happy coincidence, I was overjoyed to hear that the Duchess chose Smart Works for her patronage earlier this year. I saw a role model for myself and my vision showcased on the world stage.


With her growing spotlight, HRH has become the guest editor for the September issue of British Vogue. Instead of putting her face on the mag, she chose to focus on broader causes and people who she has deemed “Forces for Change”. How cool is that? Her message is clear: we all have the power to make a difference. You don’t have to be a Duchess, married to a Prince, or an entrepreneur like yours truly to make an impact in the world to change it for the better. No matter how big or small those actions are they are important and valuable. THAT is what makes a woman #wcw-worthy.

Another fun project she’s working on to further her impact with Smart Works is to launch a workwear capsule collection set to launch this Fall where for every piece of clothing sold, another is donated to the charity to help suit a new woman on their journey for career success! Sounds cool, right? I wonder if there’s any way that we could work with HRH to help pass our Limitless Moisturizer to our sisters in need across the pond? ;)

xx, Courtney
