Welcome to duncan&robyn!


I am so excited you’re here! What I once considered to be an unattainable dream is finally shaping up to become a reality! There’s one goal here, and one goal only: to create and cultivate a space to raise up and celebrate all women. So here are a few questions that I have been getting leading up to our launch. I hope you stick around to witness this little spark of mine become a huge wildfire because when women support women, powerful things happen!

  1. What’s up with the name duncan&robyn?

    duncan&robyn is a very special name because it’s a name that represents sisterhood. Duncan and Robyn are the middle names of d&r founder, Courtney (me!), and her sister, Stephanie. Courtney Duncan and Stephanie Robyn. I wanted something that both represented female relationships in my own life and the strength that I have found from them.

  2. So is this just another blog?

    Sort of and not really! The blog aspect of this is to just spread the word and raise awareness about what we have planned for duncan&robyn. Pushing content via a blog and our social media platforms (@duncanandrobyn) will help us spread the word about the impact that we are making in our community with your help! With that said, we hope that the content of the media we produce via this site is engaging and fun! If you have any suggestions or ideas for d&r content feel free to email us at: courtney@duncanandrobyn.com

  3. So wait, are you selling something?

    Patience, my dear. This will start making a bit more sense when we launch our skincare line in July, 2019! You still want more info on it? Okay, okay! This launch will allow you to not only help out women in your community, but you will also get a fun product that we’ve been working on for some time now.

  4. Who even are you?

    My name is Courtney Bae and I’m based in Portland, Oregon. I’ve lived here for almost two years with my husband, Bill (bill@duncanandrobyn.com, AKA the business behind this little engine that could). I love traveling, cooking, running and I’ve been obsessed with skincare since I was in high school.

  5. Why should I care about another one of these websites?

    Well, we hope that this is more of a socially responsible way that you interact with the Internet. So often do we get stuck in the habit of comparing ourselves to those we see on Instagram that we forget that everyone has a story behind their glossy glow-ups. I’m hoping that this isn’t just “another website” that forces you to consume meaningless content, but rather that it becomes an encouraging space for us all to share our journeys and lift each other up when we feel like we’ve succumbed to the endless comparison wheel.

  6. How do I get involved?

    Simple! Just share our mission and website with as many people as you care to! Too embarrassed to share another website? Totally get it! Let’s take baby steps… Just check in here often and live out our mission of female empowerment in your daily life!